Strange. Strange. The little beachtown called Montañita. It literally consisted of 3 blocks.. The first one being what I named cocktail cove (a street that was nothing but cocktail stands equipped with boom-boxes that played the worst remixes of 50cent & Guns N Roses I've ever heard) restaurant rank (a row of over-crowded, over-priced, and over-smelly restaurants) and buy my shit block ( where the locals post up everyday trying to sell the same ol' shit). The reason I went to Montañita in the first place was because I heard it was a decent beach where there is a lot of stuff to do. Wrong. The beach was a bit too crowded and there was nothing to do but watch tourists get way too hammered and get taken off with locals. I felt like I had stumbled onto an MTV goes to Ecuador reality show. It really was quite bizarre. Some of the locals were cool, but they had this strange aura about them.. I wish I could explain a little better, but just bizarre is about the best I can do. I did, however, met this cool dude from LA who taught me how to surf. I suck at it. He told me not to worry about not being great because it takes about a year before a person can even half way do anything. I believe him because that shit is difficult. I did manage to get up one time, though. If I lived on a coastal town I might would try to pick it up.

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