Friday, December 4, 2009

what I do for fun

Contrary to popular belief, backpacker's don't have that much money. We survive off street food, instant coffee, and $1 peso baguettes. We get our entertainment from conversations with homeless people, haggling with taxi drivers, and sitting in parks... Not glamorous at all. But I have discovered the best source of free entertainment.

Going to the grocery store:)

I go down every row (usually 2 or 3 times), never buy anything, and take pictures. Security gets annoyed with me, people think I'm crazy, and old ladies like to ask if I need help.

No gracias. I tell them with a smile.
Estoy solamente mirando.

Today I stumbled across frozen meat patties called Barfy and tampons branded as Enjoy.

Hahahahaha, I love it! My favorite discoveries of the day.