Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just when you think you are beyond surprises-

You learn that you aren´t. You discover that you are far, far from it.

Remember the time I told you guys about how I stayed at that place where I woke up in a puddle of water swatting bugs from my face?? Well, I went from there to something even more drastic.

Before I get too carried away, let me start from the beginning.

After Cat´s place I ended up staying with this other girl, Malena, who I also met randomly. She, like pretty much every girl in Argentina, was alarminlgy gorgeous. Malena gave me her number and after many failed attempts, she finally met up with Or and I. I think it was the day after the Pride Parade she met us for late night coffee. Over coffee and toastados I found out that this girl speaks 4 languages, lived in nyc last year, lived in Spain the year before last, was moving to Paris in a month, and just got a full scholoarship to the New York Film Institute. At the end of the 2 hour conversation, she casually added that she is only 19 yrs old.

19 years old!! I kept repeating to myself. She has done all of this, can communicate with almost anyone in any hemisphere, interesting, beautiful, and only 19!!

I suddenly felt highly insecure, but I casually sipped my lukewarm coffee in an attempt to camouflage my look of awe and dumbfoundedness that was plastered across my face.

Or really wanted to go to this gay club that night and invited Malena and I to join him. Malena was a little reluctant at first because she had class in the morning, I had no plans, obviously, so agreed. Plus, it was only 25 pesos all you can drink at the bar (this equals to $6 US)!! How could I resist?

Malena finally decided to come after Or´s impressive persuasive techniques. There were loads of people, tons of dancing, great music, and overall a really chill place. But there was one point in the night when I looked over and saw this really creepy guy giving us the deadstare. It was a relentless, completley focused, straining peer of the eyes. At this point, I was tempted to walk over and ask him if I could help him with something, but before I had the chance to Malena pulled my arm in a fright and started to freak out.

What´s wrong? I asked.

Do you see that guy? I know him!

Yeah, well he is creepy. I replied not realizing that was the least bit comforting.

No, you don´t understand he knows my family.

I wasn´t following at all what she was trying to tell me. All I could focus on was how this guy looked like a sleazy used car salesman sipping a gin martini through a straw.

Your family? Is that a problem? I inquired.

No.. Maybe.. I don´t know! It is just that my family is well known around Argentina

As soon as she said this I started choking on my long island tea. It is one thing to say that your family is known in the neighborhood, or that people in the city kind of know who your family is, but to say that the whole country of Argentina is familiar with your face and last name is a bit much!!

My mind immediately began racing. I thought that either her father killed someone important, or that he was a politician.

Now that I think about it, those two aren´t that different afterall.

She ended up going up to that guy and talking to him for about 15 minutes. He left and then everything seemed fine. I didn´t think too much about it, but then my curiosity finally got the best of me.

Sad, but true, I wikipidead the girl´s last name two days later. And to my surprise, her father was much more then just a politican. Her father had been the Minister of Education for the last 3 years (which explains her being able to speak 4 languages fluently) has written many books, AND- most importantly- was 200 votes away from being the President of Argentina in the last election.

In summary, this means that I went from sleeping in bathroom water to sleeping with the daughter of the guy who was almost the president of Argentina!!

This is just more proof that demonstrates that what one imagines can turn out to be a fraction of what actually can occur. Call it luck, coincidence, happenstance, or irony. Call it what you will.

If anyone were to tell me 6 months ago that I would be staying with the girl who was the daughter of the guy who was 200 votes away from being the president of Argentina I would have laughed loudly in their face, and would have told them to try again.

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