Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quick summary

= I climbed a glacier. Yes, a glacier..

= Stayed in a hostel that brews their own beer and grows their own food

= Got stuck in a rainstorm, on top of a mountian, wearing jeans & a t-shirt. Know what this is?? Fucking cold

= Haven´t spoken any English in 5 days (This is impressive because even though I am in a Spanish speaking country many, many people speak English) I consider this an impressive feat.

= I trespassed into the Huapi National Park and was almost struck in the head with a falling boulder. I guess those danger signs actually are there for a reason

= Rented a car with a guy from Ireland, Scotland, Isreal, Argentina, and Thailand and drove with the windows rolled down into the mountains while all humming to Bob Dylan and gangsta rap

= Made the best damn hamburgers for 10 people

= Ate all the chocolate I bought for my Grandmom.

= I blame it on all the beer I drank at the bar around the corner

= Finished reading The History of Love. Even though it has the lamest title
in the history of literature, it is worth reading. I recommend it-- a lot.

= Bought a bottle of wine, in which I plan to drink it all on the 24hr hour bus ride to Buenos Aires while I listen to Regina Spektor and pretend that I´m flying.

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